Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: What is the Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Let Love Abide, Inc.?
ANSWER: EIN 86-4003855
QUESTION: Are my donations tax deductible?
ANSWER: Yes. Let Love Abide, Inc. is listed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization according to the IRS rules and regulations. You can click on this link Tax Exempt Organization Search ( to search by Employer Identification Number (EIN) or by Organization Name.
QUESTION: How do I contact Let Love Abide, Inc.?
ANSWER: You may contact us by email at (This is the only email address we will be operating from)
QUESTION: Where is Let Love Abide, Inc. located?
ANSWER: We are located in the heart of Hialeah, FL 33014.
QUESTION: Are you currently recruiting volunteers?
ANSWER: We are a small nonprofit organization and are not accepting positions for volunteers at this time. (Thank you)
QUESTION: What are my donations going to be used for?
ANSWER: Your donations will be utilized to provide for people who are struggling or do not have the means necessary to obtain the basic necessities like food, medicine, clothing, baby needs, or tangible goods to help alleviate some of the hardships they may be facing.
QUESTION: Is Let Love Abide, Inc. on other platforms such as Facebook or Instagram?
ANSWER: No, is our official website and unless otherwise posted on here, we are not currently on any other platforms or sites.
QUESTION: What is the difference between online charitable giving portals and this website for Let Love Abide, Inc.?
ANSWER: Donations made through our website go directly to Let Love Abide, Inc. Online charitable giving portals provide information on many charities and offer donation services as well. The difference is that donors using giving portals may mistakenly believe that their donation is going directly to their designated charity. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), donations through on online giving portal may first go to an organization that accepts the donation and issues the donor's tax receipt. That intermediary organization might keep a service fee from the original donation before sending the rest to the designated charity.
QUESTION: When will my donations be available for those who need it the most?
ANSWER: All donations will be available for distribution once the funds have been cleared by the banking institution.Â
QUESTION: What information will you be collecting from the donors?
ASNWER: Basic information such as name, number, and/or an e-mail address in order to provide donors with confirmation receipts for their donations. The information you provide will only be used for donation purposes. If you are donating via PayPal, donors will need to provide the information required from that website in order to send in a donation.
QUESTION: What information will you be collecting from recipients?
ASNWER: We will need some general information about the person receiving the assistance such name, phone number, and email along with some details of the relief needed.
QUESTION: How do I receive a record of my donations for tax related purposes?
ASNWER: When you provide your email address through PayPal, you will receive a confirmation receipt with the amount of the donation, date, and donation details. We recommend that you save all your confirmation emails as this would be proof of your tax-deductible donations for the IRS. If you donate using Zelle, your banking institution statements will serve as a record of your donation.
QUESTION: How will people receive the help they need?
ANSWER: Once we have established that the person has been selected, we will contact them personally to schedule a time and date. Again, this is not a large-scale operation, and we are providing these services from our own time. Please allow some time for us to be able to provide this assistance.
QUESTION: Does Let Love Abide, Inc. pay any salaries to any of its members?
ANSWER: No, we provide our time and services without compensation.